Judson Center

About Judson Center

Judson Center, a premier non-profit human services organization, has been providing compassionate and comprehensive services for children and families in need throughout Southeast Michigan since 1924. During that time we’ve grown beyond our initial mission as a children’s home to encompass adoption, foster care and family preservation services, autism treatment, residential living and vocational services for developmentally disabled adults and mental health counseling and services.

Services for:
* Autism
* Behavioral Health
* Child Welfare
* Disability


Support Staff

September 2020 Ann Arbor, MI
“I love my coworkers, my direct supervisors, and the work I do feels meaningful”

Program Assistant

June 2019 - August 2019 Troy, MI
“Working with kids, learning on the job, amazing and passionate coworkers, helping campers become better humans, ”
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